Monday, January 19, 2015

6 Reasons I Love My Stand Up Desk

My job is killing me! And making me feel like a hippopotamus. At least that's what all the recent research is showing. Article after article keep appearing on the major news sites saying that sitting is the new smoking, too much sitting is killing us, and that even if we run every day after work, it doesn't undo the damage done from being sedate all day.

I can focus on a project and work on it until it's completed without breaking for much more than a quick lunch at my desk. It's great for my employer but terrible for my ever-broadening rear and rising blood pressure. I know I should take breaks, go for a walk, set a timer to remind me to move around, but I just don't. It's a lame excuse, but it breaks my concentration.

Despite the lame excuses, I am not one to give up easily on finding solutions. If taking a break from my desk wasn't going to happen, then I had to make working at my desk better for my health. Fortunately, my employer was willing to discuss the options to change my situation, and just last month installed a standing desk option into my work space. Now I spend four to six hours of the work day on my feet at my desk.

So far, I love my stand up desk, but I was surprised to discover the benefits that go beyond safeguarding my health.

1. I move around my office more. Instead of being lazy and waiting until later to grab a file or look up a bit of information, I move around my office as needed, retrieving and putting away files instead of letting them pile up on my desk.

2. It's easier to stay focused on the job. My mind wanders more often when I am seated at my desk, but while I'm standing, and the blood is flowing, I feel more alert. I get projects finished even faster than before and I feel more creative, resulting in a better end product.

3. I work faster. There's just something about being on your feet that makes you hustle a bit more. It reminds me of doing chores around my home, intent on getting the tasks done and everything put in its place as quickly as possible so I can move on to better things. Maybe it's just habit, but I set the same brisk pace at work when I'm on my feet.

4. I can dance while I work. Fortunately for me, my office is a bit secluded and the view through my windows is obscured, so I can sway and shimmy to Pandora like it's 1987 again and no one is the wiser!

5. Napping is not my number one priority when I get home. I don't get so drowsy while I'm standing and I feel more energized at the end of the day, so the commute home isn't a battle to stay awake. Once I'm home, I'm more likely to take the dogs for a walk or go for a run than sit on the couch and watch TV.

6. I've lost a ton of weight and I'm in better shape! Okay, so this isn't exactly true, but it's only been a month. I'm hoping that after a year with my new desk, I will be able to report that this is true.

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