Wednesday, August 17, 2011

There IS a difference!

My own personal California Boy has been telling me for two decades that California heat is nothing like Minnesota heat. According to him, dry heat doesn't make a person drip with sweat just from standing still. My argument has always been that 100 degrees is 100 degrees and I don't think I'll like it any more in CA than I do in MN.

Well, today was 100 degrees. Above zero. And I didn't sweat.

I would have sworn it was about 85. It was a bit warm walking up to the school to pick up Braden, but it wasn't awful. We don't even have the A/C on today. I did stop for a cool drink at Starbucks while running errands, and the person in front of me ordered a hot latte! That's just crazy!!! I don't know that I'll ever adjust to the heat enough to order a hot latte when it's 100 and sunny. I don't even order hot lattes when it's cold out. I suppose if a California native was behind me in the line at the coffee shop in MN in January, they would think I'm nuts too for ordering cold drinks in the middle of winter.

Despite 100 and sunny not being as bad as I thought it would be, I'll let it cool down before I go for a run tonight. I don't want Fritz to know yet that he was right about the heat.

I think I feel a drop of sweat behind my knee....


Jane P. said...

Yay!!! I found your blog! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us, although I dont know which is worse bears or huge spiders...its kind of a toss up... LOL

Jane P. said...

Oh guess what I found out? Tennesee in July definitely does NOT have dry heat. although u probably new that huh? California sounds awesome :)

Tamara P. said...

Well Lois, this morning it's about 57 degrees. It definitely feels like Fall is near!
Love the blog. Internet is so wonderful for keeping in touch, what would we do without it anymore?!

Cade says hello to Braden........

Mary Beth said...

Oh Lois - I agree, hot is hot is hot. And if I can't have a sweatshirt on - life is not good. Keep your chin up and watch out for those fuzzy kiwi's when you're on your run!!