I have a history of getting motion sickness, sometimes even when I'm driving, but if the drive isn't too long, I can deal with it, and this drive should have been about an hour. Definitely a better option than sitting in stop and go (more stop than go) traffic on the freeway for over an hour. According to the map, the route looked pretty easy, but of course, I missed a turn somewhere and ended up driving way out of my way on tight curves and roller coaster hills. When I finally stopped to check my iPhone map, I was car sick and not at all on the right road. But the drive was beautiful! I was so wrapped up in the scenery, that I didn't even mind being lost.
It was a long drive home, but it felt like I discovered hidden treasure to find this remote countryside tucked away between the huge cities I work and live in. It renewed my hope that SoCal is not completely being taken over by people - which I do sometimes feel when there are houses, cars, and people for as far as I can see in every direction. Next time it seems that the world I live in has too many people in it, I'm going to get lost on country roads on my way home again...