It took less than 2 hours from the time this battery was put on the charger and plugged in until the time our garage was a charcoal cave. The fire had probably been burning awhile before any of us heard the alarms (we were at the neighbors for a birthday dinner), so it didn't take long for the battery charger to heat up to dangerous levels.
We had replaced the appliances in our kitchen, so the old dishwasher was sitting in the garage and the battery charger was on top of it. When the fire was out, the only thing left of it was the rack inside, and it was mangled. The rest of the dishwasher was completely gone. (See post below, just prior to this one, for a photo of what was left of the dishwasher.)
The entire inside of the garage was black and everything was covered in soot. It melted the garage door opener, ruined the washer and dryer, and scorched the pingpong table. The funny thing is, pingpong ball survived mostly in tact. It didn't melt and it didn't turn black!
It really makes a person stop and think when something like this happens! I think I'll take some of those warnings about not leaving electronic devices unattended a bit more seriously now.
One bike was white and other blue before the fire. |